Sustainability Advocacy and Empowerment

Who is Forest City Sustainability?

Forest City Sustainability empowers small businesses in the Rockford region to implement their own sustainability initiatives with credibility and confidence. We help you evaluate your existing business practices, identify opportunities, develop strategies and track progress. Together we’ll eliminate waste, save money, and offer a compelling narrative to both internal and external audiences. Oh, and we’ll help save the planet, too.

Advancement Methods

Preliminary Assessment

Review for opportunities, to include community, market, customers, supply chain, and operations. Focus on materiality - only work where it makes a difference.


A review of the climate science and the growing response from markets and society is useful for achieving a common context and purpose.

Goals and Planning

Running a business is a challenging multi-factor optimization problem. Setting goals allows for the efficient deployment of finite resources. Starting from a position of enlightened self-interest, we seek to optimize economics, environment, and engagement. Action plans should strive to take advantage of the many financial incentives offered at the Federal and State levels and even from the utilities.

Metrics and Trends

Moving the needles on carbon footprint, energy use, resource waste, employee engagement, start with developing key performance indicators - metrics. So much data is readily available. Start simple. Trending metrics over time allows the telling of a story, and provides the evidence that your efforts are making a difference.

Vulnerability vs. Resiliency

How will dramatic weather trends impact your operations, your employees, your customers? Are there megatrends that threaten your business or your business model? Risk management planning is a key to resiliency.


Triggered by an annual review of progress and plans, let the world know how you are doing. This can be through social media or through a web site.

“We are stealing the future, selling it in the present, and calling it gross domestic product.”

– Paul Hawken

Get in Touch

Give us a call, send a text or an e-mail. Let’s begin the conversation.